Italy Scholarship 2019 - 2020 .. The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation announced the provision of scholarships fully funded by the Italian government for the benefit of foreign students who are not residing in Italy and also for Italian citizens who live abroad for the academic year 2019/2019
These grants fall within the framework of the promotion of international culture, science and technology and cooperation, as well as to enhance the Italian language and culture and support the economic system of Italy in the world in accordance with Law 55/288 and the subsequent changes and additions to it.
Italy Scholarship 2019 - 2020:
In fact, it is not a single scholarship but rather it is 5 different scholarships according to the difference in level and academic orientation, as these scholarships are intended to attend academic courses in Italy and not to study for years as the duration of the course does not exceed a year at most.
Let's take a look at all the free scholarships available in Italy available for the next academic year 2020/2019
1_ Italy Scholarship for Masters Study (Laurea Magistrale 2 ° ciclo)
It is possible to apply for a scholarship to study for a master’s degree in Italy, provided that the student holds a bachelor’s degree from his or her country of residence.
This scholarship is for attending courses only, and the duration of these courses is between 6 to 9 months only.
2_ Italian scholarships to cover higher education courses in arts, music and dance (AFAM)
It is also possible to apply for a scholarship in Italy to attend higher education courses in arts, music and dance.
The duration of these courses ranges from 6 to 9 months
In order for the student to enroll in these courses, he must meet the admission requirements and academic qualifications set by the university or institute he wishes to study at.
General information about studying in Italy for all Arab students
3_ Italian scholarships for doctoral programs:
To be admitted to a PhD in Italy, applicants must meet the admission requirements and academic qualifications set by the university.
The student must also submit an acceptance letter on behalf of the relevant Italian university.
The duration of courses in PhD programs also ranges from 6 months to 9 months.
4_ Italian scholarships for research owners under academic supervision:
These grants are for academic research under study period of 6 to 9 months.
This type of grant is granted to owners of research projects that will be implemented in Italian research institutions such as:
CNR Italian Research Council
Italian National Institute of Health - ISS
Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics - INFN
Italian National Institute of Astrophysics - INAF
Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research - ISPRA
Provided that this research falls under the academic supervision of public universities or museums and archives.
Applicants must submit a research project and an acceptance letter on behalf of the host university or institute.
They are also required to provide the name and contact addresses (email address) of their supervisors.
Note: Admission to some masters degree courses or AFAM institutes requires passing the admission test, so you must refer to the university or institute you want to check if the admission test is needed.
5_ Italy grant to receive courses in the Italian language and culture:
Italian language and culture courses are awarded exclusively to students who are currently attending an Italian language course at an Italian university or institute.
However, the duration of these courses does not exceed 3 months, and candidates must submit a certificate of proficiency in the Italian language
The minimum level should not be less than A2 within the common European reference framework for CERF languages
If you are considering studying in Italy, you must pass the CILS or PLIDA exam
Conditions required to obtain the Italian government grant 2019 2020
In order for the student to be able to obtain one of the scholarships announced by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he must fulfill certain conditions, as follows:
1_ Academic Qualification:
Applications should only be submitted by foreign students who are not resident in Italy, and Italian citizens who live abroad.
Also, applicants must have an appropriate academic qualification to enroll in the university or institute that suits them.
2_ Age:
A student who wants to apply for a master’s or higher education grant in arts, music and dance or language and cultural courses should not be older than 28 years by the registration deadline of May 30, 2019.
The applicants for PhD programs must not be more than 30 years old by the deadline for this call on May 30, 2019.
Also, applicants for academic supervision research projects must not exceed 40 years of age by May 30, 2019.
3_ Language:
♦ To register for an Italian language course, applicants must submit an Italian language proficiency certificate at B2 level
Candidates who have enrolled in the Italian language course at the university can also submit a language certificate issued by a language teacher in the university department.
♦ To register for an English language course, applicants must submit a certificate of proficiency in English at B2 level
For courses taught entirely in the English language, proof of proficiency in the Italian language is not necessary.
♦ For Italian language and culture courses, candidates must submit a certificate of proficiency in Italian language at level A2 within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR
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Advantages of Italy scholarship 2019 - 2020:
Students who will be lucky and win this grant will benefit from several benefits such as:
Obtaining a periodic amount of 900 euros, on a quarterly basis, to be added to his Italian bank account.
Exemption from registration fees and tuition fees, except for Italian language and culture programs that require payment of registration fees.
Correct coverage
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