Immigration to Germany 2020 ___ It seems that the year 2020 is the year of the important changes in the rules of travel and immigration to Europe, hardly a week passes without hearing about new changes in the Schengen visa laws, asylum rules or immigration and residence laws ...
Germany, as a country of the European Union and the countries of the Schengen area, is subject to all these changes, whether with regard to the Schengen visa or with regard to immigration and asylum rules within the European Union.
These changes in it are positive for immigrants, refugees or visa applicants, and of course there is something negative.
A new change to the Schengen visa poster starting December 21
But there are some changes with regard to immigration procedures to Germany, which we can say about 100% positive, especially for skilled workers who have educational or professional qualifications.
In this article, we will inform you, dear reader, about possible cases of immigration to Germany to work within the framework of the new law for skilled workers, and we will inform you about the procedures that must be taken in each case.
Immigration to Germany 2020 for skilled workers from outside the European Union:
From March 2020 many people will be able to migrate to Germany legally if they belong to the category of skilled workers.
This law is mainly intended for skilled workers and those holding academic diplomas in a specific professional field from countries outside the European Union, including all Arab and North African countries.
These persons will have to obtain prior recognition of their professional qualifications based on criteria set by the German authorities in order to be able to immigrate to Germany.
Who is the qualified worker according to the German authorities?
A qualified or skilled worker is:
A professional holding an academic degree from a country recognized in Germany.
Or hold a recognized professional qualification and require at least two years of professional training in Germany
Therefore, a person wishing to emigrate to Germany as a qualified worker will have to obtain official recognition of his professional qualifications from the competent German authorities before applying for a German visa.
This link can be accessed to see how to obtain formal recognition of the professional qualification.
Professional recognition in Germany
It is worth noting that specialists in information and communications technology with sufficient professional experience and who have a job offer in Germany are not obligated to obtain official recognition of their qualifications.
We will refer to this category as follows from the article.
The possibilities of emigrating to Germany in an official capacity for skilled workers:
There are 6 ways that qualified professionals can follow to enter Germany to work within this new law on skilled workers, each according to his condition:
1_ Immigration to Germany for skilled workers with a background of "vocational training"
People who have successfully completed their professional training will have to obtain formal recognition of their professional qualifications from the relevant authorities.They will also have to find a specific job offer in their professional field from a German employer.
If these two important steps are met, the person will be able to apply for a German visa.
2_ Immigration to Germany without formal qualifications for ICT professionals:
Persons specializing in information and communications technology who can prove that they have professional experience in this field, for a period of no less than 3 years, can migrate to Germany to work even if they have not obtained official certificates in this field.Instead, they will have to provide proof of availability:
Job offer in Germany in this field (Information and Communication Technology (ICT))
The annual salary obtained from this work should not be less than 49,680 euros
Sufficient language skill in German at level B1.
If these conditions are met, a person can apply for an entry visa at the German Consulate in his country.
All addresses of German embassies and consulates in the Arab and North African countries
3_ Visa searching for work in Germany for holders of university degrees:
This visa can be applied for by university graduates who graduate in a specific professional field, and it may also be applied to by persons who have successfully completed their vocational training in their home country.To apply for this visa, these people will need to obtain official recognition for their university or professional training certificate.
This link can be accessed to see how to apply for recognition of a university degree in Germany
Recognition of university degrees in Germany
They will also have to prove that they have good German skills.
In addition, they will have to prove that they have the financial resources that are sufficient for them to spend on themselves while they are in Germany.
5_ The possibility of entering Germany with the aim of obtaining additional training to be able to obtain full recognition of the professional qualifications:
In the event that a person is able to obtain a job offer from a German operator or offer training or training from a specific training authority, but the German authorities have told him during the process of requesting recognition of qualifications that he needs additional training or qualification measures in order to be able to obtain full recognition of the qualifications and given him the so-called Partial recognitionIt is possible for a person to move to Germany before obtaining full prior recognition.
The person will have to obtain a visa to end the full recognition process in Germany.
While following the additional training courses, immigrants will be able to work in Germany while respecting certain conditions.
6_ Immigration to Germany for healthcare and health professionals:
People who specialize in the healthcare and health care field benefit from Germany visa procedures and application procedures for recognition of professional qualifications within Germany.This privilege is granted specifically to health and care workers, as the German authorities authorize the German Federal Employment Agency to conclude agreements with the authorities of other countries to bring in skilled workers specializing in the field of health and health.
Germany will begin granting long-term residence visas to electronic game athletes from March 2020
Important links for those looking to immigrate to Germany 2020 as skilled workers:
♦ Information about the new rules for skilled labor migration to Germany, can be accessed from this link:
New rules for skilled labor migration to Germany
Important information for skilled workers interested in traveling to Germany for work:
♦ Information about the recognition of professional qualifications:
♦ Information about recognition for undergraduate degrees:
♦ Information about German learning centers:
The German Embassy in your country provides abundant information about the centers where you can learn the German language:
Learn German
So this is all that relates to our topic today. We hope that everyone has benefited from it, and whoever has any question regarding this topic does not hesitate to leave a comment below the article and we will try to answer it as soon as possible.
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